Friday, December 4, 2009

new friends=new things

i made a new friend. hes somewhat older than me. and a teacher at the school im going to here.
hes such a darling. is funny how generations meet like that.
we like the same music, even though he is so much older than me. i show him pictures of my family, and he shows me pictures of his.
when different generations meet you learn so many new things you wouldn't otherwise!
amazing. i think we will be friends forever.
look at his photography skills. i dare say he has some embarrassing photos of me..

1 comment:

  1. Ma petite étoile d'Australie brillera à tout jamais dans mon esprit. Oui, qu'il fut doux de te connaitre, d'apprécier ta grande culture musicale. Aujourd'hui je comprends pourquoi il y a moins d'étoiles dans le ciel, car tes parents en ont pris deux pour les faire briller dans tes yeux. Oui, nous resterons de VRAIS AMIS jusqu'à ce que je prenne congé de ton soleil et de ma pluie...
