Thursday, September 10, 2009


i was lying in my bed just minding my own business, coughing and watching the wackness, when my dear mother waltzed in the door with a rather large dosage of cough medicine, my latest batch of antibiotics, two vitamin C tablets and a nurofen. she informed me that her share prices were no longer negative eight thousand dollars and that she had made positive seven hundred and fifty seven dollars and thirty five cents. not that i ever understand what the hell she is going on about but i do take my tablets wisely, "sigh" i press my head back into my pillow. i am ill, and i hate it. firstly because being ill is not at all fun when you have been at home for four days listening to my mother sanding the back wall and the radio, which is on station 720. my mother is a 'do it yourself' woman. even if she doesnt do it right, she still does it. if you think that enough torture. try going into a doctors surgery and having a rather depressed doctor go just a little to close to your boob with a stethoscope. my bed is cold and its wind outside. i would, personally, rather be in a warm classroom swapping notes on how to make after shave and watching hurried children rush to "be the first one to the toasty machine'. not that you would be surprised that i had once won that medal.
i have come to respect school after spending 94 hours at home. i haven't seen holly or tess for almost a week and spending all this time on my own is starting to make me go really crazy. why just last night i wrote a story about a girl who feeds baggets to maggots and has tea parties with black cats and mushrooms.
this was all rather inspired by the addams family, which; might i add, i have watched exactly seven and a half times in two days. i almost know all the lines. hence my myspace name.
anyway, i better go and draw up some maggots and dead cats. x

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